A note from Chad

Welcome! I’m so glad you dropped by.

Your journey as a worship leader - as a church in worship - and how it's going for you right now is very important to me.

With over 25 years experience as a worship and arts pastor, I still have a lot to learn. However, if there's one thing I HAVE taken away from my time in the church, it's that worship ministry, while not without its rewards, can be pretty daunting. I'm familiar with many of the challenges you face; challenges concerning goals, staff, creatives, congregation and walking the fine line between artist and teacher. I also understand the commitment and attention to detail it takes to get a worship service off the ground. In the midst of this and everything you're trying to pour into those whom God has placed in your path, overwhelmed doesn't even begin to describe it.

My heart is to walk with you.

  • Perhaps you’re a church in between worship pastors / leaders

  • Perhaps you're a new worship pastor and you have questions

  • Maybe you're the lead pastor at your church, overseeing worship as well and it's getting to be too much

  • Maybe you wish to inspire, ignite and unite the teams you already have in order to expand ministry

  • Perhaps God is calling you to take ministry to a brand new place and you need help sorting it out

Whatever it is, you're not alone in this. Give me a call. I can help you with:

  • worship ministry expansion, worship team building

  • addressing the heart of worship with your creatives and your congregation

  • musicianship training for your band members, choir, orchestra, handbells (yes ... handbells)

  • vision casting

  • one on one worship leader mentoring

  • online coaching

My number is HERE. When you dial you won’t get my staff, you’ll get me. Let's talk about how to take the next steps and get you to where God is calling.