Chad Marvin a CCM artist from Boise, Idaho.
His song "I've Been Made Alive" from the new EP "FAITH HOPE LOVE part one" is currently being promoted to radio, nationwide.
FAITH HOPE LOVE part one is available on here and on iTunes. You can also find it on many other streaming services and online music stores. Order today.
From Chad:
I wanted to talk briefly about the inspiration behind this three-song EP. I've been free from the grip of alcohol for more than ten years but over a decade ago I had a terrible struggle with it. I was on staff at the Summit Church in Boise as their worship pastor at the time (and still am, btw). The Summit is responsible for pulling me back from the very edge of a bottomless pit. A fall into that pit would have, most definitely, killed me. In my battle with this unrelenting addiction, the Summit refused to let me go. It literally hung on to me with abandon. My condition was bad and without the Bride of Christ, I really don't think I'd be here. FAITH HOPE LOVE is inspired by what happened when the church responded in the way it did. I was faced with a decision to step out in FAITH and make a plea for help. It was my HOPE the church would help me. It, in fact, did much more than that by answering my appeal with unconditional LOVE.
The songs on this EP are a thank you to the Summit for being a church of forgiveness. They are a reminder to churches everywhere as to what can transpire by being full of grace; true to the call of Jesus.
Individual, if you're out there struggling with an addiction (or anything for that matter) then find a church that will love you unconditionally because I'm telling you right now ... you're worth it! These songs are also written and recorded for you. They are meant to offer hope and a glimpse of a great future. Know that there are people who love you dearly. Know that your Heavenly Father loves you most of all. Don't give up. Never give up!